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Simply brings you earning opportunities

Wor(l)d your network - A new try

WOR(l)D stands apart as a leader in the global markets of media, mobile and wearable technologies. Employing the brightest minds and best professionals, WOR(l)D constantly invest in great ideas and highly motivated people.

To participate in the Project mCell 5G is simple. Everyone installing and using a SpaceStation and SpacePhone contributes to the creation of a private, global network of Micro Cells. This network uses mCell 5G technology to provide users with a more reliable, faster connection to the Internet at almost no cost, and at the same time offloads traffic from leading mobile operator networks to our own private mCell 5G network, generating a better user experience and significant savings for all users.

When SpacePhone 5G connects to any mCell 5G network or an approved WiFi network, it will automatically switch the connection and communication to our platform, generating revenues for us instead of going to the leading operators. These revenues will be shared with all community members who contribute by installing SpaceStations around the globe.

The more SpaceStations you install, the more money you save and the more money you continue to earn on your connection, your communication and the communications of the global Space community.

Space Lumia is another product like a smartphone in the form of spectacles which gives you freedom to move anywhere and control through eye movements.

This project is in very beginning stage. If you are interested to enroll, leave your details below:

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Email: *
Mobile: *

What is this MMM - all about ?

MMM is a community of people providing each other financial help on the principle of gratuitousness, reciprocity and benevolence.

In MMM you don’t have to make contracts or pledge your property. In MMM there are no lenders and no debtors. Everything is very simple: one participant asks for help — another one helps.

The only thing that MMM demands from its participants is to be honest and kind to each other. You ask for financial help when you need it, you give financial help when you are able to do it.

There is no сentral account, where all the System money flows to (and where it can be easily stolen from :-)). All the money is only on the banking accounts of the participants themselves!On a lot of thousand and million private accounts. Participants transfer each other money directly, without intermediaries! (What are they for? :-)) In fact, MMM only regulates the process and nothing more.

I.e. the System completely belongs to people. Without fools! It is a real mutual aid fund, where ordinary people help each other.


1. 30% — usual.
The growing rates are 30% per month. You may take back your money at any moment.

2. 40% — usual three month deposit.
(Your money will grow up in 2.744 times after three month.)
The growing rates are 40% in condition, that you will not touch your money for three month. If you will take back your money earlier than after three month — you will get not the deposit profit (40%), but the usual 30% per month.

3. 50% — three month superprofitable deposit.
(Your money will grow up in 3,375 times after three month.)
The growing rates are 50% in condition, that you will not touch your money for three month. If you will take back your money earlier than after three month — you will get only the nominal value.

4. 100% over-risky.
The growing rates are 100% per month, it means that your money will be doubled after one month. You may take back your money at any moment.
(You input 1000 Inr? you will get 2000 Inr after one month, 4000 Inr — after two month and so on.)
Orders for this Mavro deposits are places only between the 100% Mavro owners. It is like a system in the system, fully free-running. If the 100% Mavro will have restart, it won't disturb the other Mavro types.

It is prohibited to restructure your 100% Mavro deposit in any other (and vice versa).
Except the referral bonus and the bonus for letters of happiness, there are no other bonuses for Mavro 100%

Interesting ? Fill your details below and Submit to Join the program:

MMM Joining Form
Questions marked by * are required.
Name: *
Email: *
Mobile No: *
Place: *

Phytoscience opportunity in India

Phytoscience is a global health & wellness company from Malaysia stands at the forefront of product innovation and committed to helping people take control of their health, both physical and financial well-being.


  • Double Stemcell™
  • 2 Sllim
  • Snowphyll Snow Algae Chlorophyll™
  • Triple Stemcell™ Skin Care
  • Triple Stemcell™ H2o Moisturizer
  • Triple Stemcell™ Miracle Intense Essence
  • Triple Stemcell™ Shine Stems
  • Phyto Shoppe SIMPLY Parfum Elixir
  • Phyto Shoppe BPA free Water Tumbler
  • Phyto Shoppe Double Snow Chocholate
  • Phyto Shoppe AnyLock™


4 Ways to Earn Unlimited * Income with PhytoScience Powerful & proven Financial Rewards System

  • Sponsor Bonus
  • Development Bonus
  • Unilevel Bonus
  • Matching Unilever Bonus

* Terms & Conditions apply. Check company website for more details.

To join Phytoscience in India, fill in your details below:
Phytoscience Enquiry
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Name: *
Email: *
Mobile: *
Place: *